The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO) made a major drug bust after pulling over a semi truck for a lane violation over the weekend.

The incident occurred on Sunday, May 28, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

OCSO Deputies with CITCO (Criminal Interdiction Team of Central Oklahoma) spotted a Freightliner “straddling lane lines” and initiated a traffic stop.

Thirty-six year old Edgar Favela-Hernandez did not have a valid CDL and “claimed he was picking up a load of tile, but didn’t know where he was supposed to pick it up from,” police said.

A canine unit was brought to the scene. The dog alerted to the presence of drugs.

The CITCO team searched the truck and found a duffle bag containing “102.5 pounds of cocaine with an estimated street value of $2.9 million dollars.”

Favela-Hernandez was placed under arrest and charged with Aggravated Trafficking of Illegal Drugs.

“We believe, based on markings on the packages, that this is cocaine that was being delivered to the United States by the Mexican Drug Cartels,” OCSO said.


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