An Arkansas Sheriff recently shared a story about how the trucking community showed up to support a five year old trucking enthusiast.

On Saturday, June 17, Greene County Sheriff’s Department – Sheriff Brad Snyder (GCSO) took to social media to commend the trucking community for showing up for a Make-A-Wish event for a local youth named Kenton.

GCSO writes:

It was an honor and a privilege for my deputies and I to participate in a Make-A-Wish wish reveal for five year old Kenton. Kenton loves tractor-trailers, so he got a treat today!

Greene County farmer Cliff Carter, a huge supporter of Make-A-Wish, put out an all points bulletin asking for a “few” tractor-trailers to help make Kenton’s wish granting reveal special. Well, ask and ye shall receive! Over 150 trucks of all kinds showed up and showed out. The line of trucks stretched for over a mile, each of them eager to show their support and love for this young man. We began on county road 915, and ended at DNG Seed on Hwy 135 South. At the end of the convoy, Kenton was surprised with the granting of his wish. He’s going to Disney World with his family!

We hope Kenton and his family have a much deserved vacation! To all the truckers that participated, hats off to you. You guys and gals were phenomenal. Cliff, thanks for inviting us to this tremendous event. We wouldn’t have missed it for the world!

Check out video of the convoy for Kenton below.


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