The California Highway Patrol (CHP) issued a warning to commercial motor vehicle drivers who are thinking about bypassing an open scale facility

In a July 25 social media post, CHP reminded drivers that it is illegal to bypass open scales while driving a CMV under California law.

From CHP – Gilroy Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility:

BYPASSING An Open SCALE CHP – Gilroy Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility
Bypassing an open scale facility is a violation of California Vehicle Code section 2813. When black and white regulatory signs are displayed requiring commercial vehicles to stop at an open scale facility, every driver of a commercial vehicle shall stop and submit their vehicle to an inspection of the size, weight, and equipment of their vehicle. Every driver who fails or refuses to stop and submit to an inspection when signs are displayed requiring them to stop is guilty of a misdemeanor.

This may result in:
1) Up to a several thousand dollar fine (after penalty assessments).
2) A point and a half (1 1/2) moving violation on your driver license record. (No traffic school allowed)
3) Increased insurance costs.
4) Possible disciplinary action from your employer.

There is a sign board located on the right shoulder, just south of the facility (prior to the exit lane for the scales) that informs commercial drivers if the scales are open. When the scales are open the sign will state “ALL TRUCKS STOP AT SCALES.” There will also be two (2) yellow warning lights at the top of the sign that will flash from one light to the other. Flashing yellow warning lights. “THIS ALSO INCLUDES BUSES as there is 2 sets of black and white regulatory signs stating all buses must enter.” 


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