Semi trucks take on fuel at a truck stop in Texas. The Gulf Coast had the biggest price decrease among the five PADD districts at 7.7 cents a gallon. (THEPALMER/Getty Images)
The national average diesel price swung down 6.2 cents after four straight weeks of modest gains to settle at $3.635 a gallon, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data March 3.
Trucking’s main fuel had risen just 3.7 cents over the previous four increases dating to Feb. 3.
Diesel now costs 38.7 cents less a gallon on average compared with this time in 2024.
PADD Districts
PADD — Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. U.S. Energy Information Administration
Regional Trends
Diesel’s national average price dropped in all five PADD districts, with the steepest decline 7.7 cents a gallon in the Gulf Coast. The West Coast less California showed the largest overall drop at 7.9 cents.
The smallest PADD district decrease was 1.7 cents in the Rocky Mountain region, and the least overall was six-tenths of a cent in the New England subregion.
U.S. On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Gasoline Update
The national average price for a gallon of gasoline is not yet available.