A lady trucker says she is less than enthusiastic about the trucking industry after three jobs in her four years as a driver.
“I’m not enthusiastic,” she says to the man briefly interviewing her after he asks how she feels about her driving job after four years.
“I’ve been with three different companies… well, four. I tried flatbedding for a day. It didn’t work out for me.”
“I can’t really complain about the companies,” she continues. “I think it’s the industry.”
She then voices concern and appreciation for owner operators who manage to pay for their own trucks in the current trucking market, and explains why flatbedding is not for her.
“That woman got more sense than most of today’s truckers. At least she didn’t git on social media lie n about she making alot of money or acting like she really happy like it’s the thing to do. Trucking is almost the new minimum wage,” commented one viewer.
“No one’s story is the same as anyone else’s. I was told all kinds of things about trucking that I never experienced or went through, but I can’t promise that your journey will be as good as mine. Give it a try and see if it works for you or not,” added another.
Watch her short interview outlining her four years in the industry below.