The law mandates that all vehicles traveling on the Interstate 70 mountain corridor carry tire chains from Sept. 1 to May 31. (Colorado State Patrol via X)

The Colorado State Patrol has launched an enforcement effort over 149 miles on the Interstate 70 mountain corridor to ensure truckers comply with a new law requiring drivers carry tire chains regardless of weather conditions.

The crackdown began Feb. 25 with the state troopers joining law enforcement agencies spanning from Glenwood Springs to Golden “to enforce dangerous moving violations, especially speed and chain law violations,” the State Patrol noted.

The focus on I-70 is to make drivers of commercial and passenger vehicles especially aware of Colorado’s new law mandating all vehicles carry tire chains from Sept. 1 to May 31.

“Compliance with traction laws for passenger vehicles (3/16-inch tread depth and rated either ‘all-weather’ or ‘mud and snow’) and commercial vehicles is paramount to the safety of everyone in the mountain corridor. Failure to comply can cause extended closures of the interstate. With no reasonable way around closures, serious problems can arise quickly,” the police noted.

Regardless of current weather conditions, commercial vehicles having a combined weight of more than 16,000 pounds must have chains or alternate traction devices for up to four drive tires on I-70 from Morrison to the Utah border. Tire chains also are required for U.S. Route 40 (Empire to the Utah border), U.S. Route 50 (Salida to the Utah border), U.S. Route 160 (Walsenburg to the New Mexico border), U.S. Route 285 (Morrison to the New Mexico border) and all of U.S. Route 550. Also subject to the tire chain law is Colorado State Highway 9 (Frisco to Fairplay).

“The Colorado State Patrol has consistently implemented chain checks at ports of entry, active chain-up stations and daily roadside contacts. We are now adding a layer of multiagency enforcement operations, including proactive chain-carry checks, along the I-70 mountain corridor,” state police stated. “These operations will be held when weather is not inclement to ensure commercial and private drivers are prepared.”

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Colorado drivers can encounter mild weather on the front range, but face hazardous conditions and unexpected snowstorms as they travel through higher elevation mountain ranges.

According to Colorado State Patrol, the commercial vehicle penalty for not abiding by chain laws with winter driving restrictions is a fine up to $500 plus a $79 surcharge “or, if you are stuck and blocking any traveled portion of the roadway, the fine is $1,000 plus a $157 surcharge.”

On Aug. 7, the expanded tire chain law took effect along with new lane restrictions for truckers. Commercial vehicles are prohibited from driving in the left lane in Glenwood Canyon, Dowd Junction (a curved section of I-70 between Avon and Vail), the west side of Vail Pass, the tunnel grade on both sides of the Eisenhower-Johnson tunnels, Georgetown Hill and Floyd Hill.

Before then, truckers only had to carry tire chains along a 129-mile area on I-70 from Dotsero and Morrison outside Denver.