A police officer tells the story of how he helped a truck driver, and his community, during a medical episode in this video. 

In the clip, Lieutenant Bellflower tells the story of his recent drive to work that didn’t go quite as planned. He says he was on his way to work when he noticed a livestock hauler “popping the clutch,” which he deemed “uncharacteristic of a seasoned truck driver.”

Bellflower then drove around traffic and in front of the truck, and that’s when he noticed that there was something wrong with the driver, so he jumped into action. 

Bellflower stopped his car, ran through traffic, and jumped up onto the semi truck before breaking the glass to get inside. He was then able to get inside and stop the truck, but not before crossing a median and the westbound lanes of traffic. The truck came to a stop in the driveway of a business and the officer called for help before providing medical aid to the driver. 

The truck driver is okay “to the best of [their] knowledge,” and no one was hurt in the incident. 

Watch the story of the successful rescue, below.


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