In the months since President Joe Biden nominated senior officials to key positions in his administration, there’s been an inability to push the nominees across the finish line on Capitol Hill.

Due mostly to Republican opposition, high-profile nominees for senior roles in the administration continue to await consideration. Amid the persistent pushback, Senate Democrats intend to press ahead on transportation nominations. The Senate Commerce Committee’s agenda this week includes nominees to the National Transportation Safety Board and Amtrak.

The panel on June 21 will consider the nomination of Alvin Brown to join NTSB. Formerly the mayor of Jacksonville, Fla., he is strongly backed by the president.

“Under his leadership, Jacksonville became one of America’s leading cities for innovation and improving quality of life. Brown achieved numerous successes in Jacksonville with bold and collaborative approaches to many modern challenges,” per background from the White House.

Brown’s consideration comes as Biden’s nominee to lead the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently was withdrawn from Senate consideration. Ann Carlson, nominated to lead the agency, is no longer tapped for the agency’s top job. She resumed her role as chief counsel for the agency. Her nomination’s withdrawal leaves NHTSA without a Senate-confirmed administrator.

Alvin Brown


In March, the president’s pick to lead the Federal Aviation Administration, Phillip A. Washington — the Denver International Airport CEO — withdrew his nomination.

Months after Washington’s withdrawal, the administration updated FAA’s leadership team. Polly Trottenberg, who was serving as the department’s deputy secretary, was selected to perform the duties of acting FAA administrator. She succeeded former acting FAA administrator Billy Nolen, who pursued a private sector post.



“I am pleased to announce a team of experienced leaders to guide the FAA,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement accompanying the announcement June 8. “I am grateful to Billy for his service during one of the most challenging and dynamic times in aviation, and I have full confidence in Polly’s steady hand during the search for a permanent administrator.”

Meanwhile, about two months after a panel approved acting Labor Secretary Julie Su to lead the Labor Department, the leadership in the Senate has yet to schedule a floor vote on her nomination.

Julie Su


Su has yet to secure the requisite backing in the Democratic-led Senate as opposition to her confirmation grows. There is the “Stand Against Su,” a coalition consisting of small-business groups, freelancers and tipped workers, which is citing the acting secretary’s policy positions during stints in California and at the federal level.

Su’s record specific to a California law known as AB 5 is a focus of American Trucking Associations’ opposition. The California law sets conditions for employers to reclassify independent contractors as employees.

Chris Spear


“As we highlighted in a March letter to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, we have grave concerns over Ms. Su’s role in implementing California’s disastrous [AB 5], which essentially outlawed this business model for trucking,” ATA President Chris Spear wrote the leaders in the Senate this month.

“Her responses to questions posed during committee consideration of her nomination and a lack of outreach to the business community she would be charged with regulating have failed to reassure the trucking industry on how she would approach such an existential issue if confirmed to lead the Department of Labor,” Spear added.

The Week Ahead (all times Eastern)

June 21, 10 a.m.: The Senate Commerce Committee meets for a hearing to consider the nomination of Alvin Brown to be a member of the National Transportation Safety Board, as well as nominees for Amtrak’s board of directors.

June 21, 10 a.m.: The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee considers the PRO Act.

Freight Corridor

After part of Interstate 95 was shut down, experts assess the country’s transportation network.

Legislative Docket

Legislation meant to ensure access to restrooms for commercial drivers on the job recently was introduced in the House of Representatives. The bipartisan Trucker Bathroom Access Act, endorsed by stakeholders, responds to industry concerns. It was introduced this month by Reps. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.).

Troy Nehls and Chrissy Houlahan

Troy Nehls (R-Texas) and Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.)  

“I am proud to reintroduce legislation that supports our nation’s truckers,” Nehls said June 6. “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, facilities across the country have shut down their bathrooms, which have caused essential employees, like our truckers, not to have access to use the restroom at work. Truckers are this nation’s backbone, and we owe them for the tireless contributions they continue to make to keep our country moving.

“I am glad to once again partner with Rep. Houlahan on this common-sense legislation to allow our nation’s truckers access to bathrooms while they are transporting goods on the road.”

Houlahan added that the economy depends on truck drivers, but there are perpetual challenges with recruitment and retention.


The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee gave unanimous approval to the Securing Growth and Robust Leadership in American Aviation Act. The legislation would reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration through five years. Senate companion legislation is under consideration.

“This bipartisan bill is critical to America’s global leadership in aviation, to our economy and millions of jobs, and to making the entire system safer and more efficient for all users and the traveling public,” committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-Mo.) said June 14.

“Our committee took action today to make our skies safer, strengthen our economy and invest in our aviation workforce,” committee ranking member Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) said.

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All aboard! Amtrak arrives at a House committee’s station.

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There are road warriors. Then there are Rhode Warriors.

The Last Word

We will continue to use every federal resource we can to help Pennsylvania.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on June 15

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg