The top five U.S. vehicle out-of-service violation categories included brake systems, tires, defective service brakes, cargo securement and lights. (CVSA)

More than 81% of commercial motor vehicles and 94% of drivers inspected during International Roadcheck in May did not have any out-of-service violations during this year’s 72-hour special enforcement effort conducted by Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspectors in the United States, Canada and Mexico.

However, CVSA-certified inspectors discovered at least one out-of-service violation on 19% of the vehicles inspected and, in turn, removed those 11,270 commercial motor vehicles from roadways until the out-of-service violations were corrected. There were 17,479 vehicle out-of-service violations in total, CVSA said.

The inspector group said that CMVs without any critical vehicle inspection violations are eligible to receive a CVSA decal. During this year’s International Roadcheck, decals were applied to 14,032 power units, 5,814 trailers and 305 motorcoaches/buses, for a total of 20,151 decals throughout North America.

Inspectors also restricted 3,256 of the commercial motor vehicle drivers inspected, about 5.5%, who were found to have at least one out-of-service driver violation — as identified in the CVSA North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria Handbook — from operating their vehicle. Those drivers were restricted from commercial travel until their out-of-service violations were addressed. There were 5,280 driver out-of-service violations in total.

Overall, 116,669 violations were identified throughout the effort, which included all driver and vehicle out-of-service violations, and violations that did not merit an out-of-service determination, combined.

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Each year, International Roadcheck highlights certain aspects of roadside inspection. This year, inspectors focused on anti-lock braking systems and cargo securement. There were 2,975 cargo securement violations and 4,127 ABS violations — of those only four were discovered on motorcoaches, 1,426 on power units and 2,697 on trailers.

A total of 949 safety belt violations were issued during this year’s event, totaling 1.6% of commercial motor vehicle drivers inspected who were issued violations.

CVSA said inspectors also checked commercial motor vehicles carrying hazardous materials/dangerous goods to ensure they were being transported safely and compliant with federal regulations. During International Roadcheck, 2,853 hm/dg inspections were performed, and inspectors discovered only 236 hm/dg-related out-of-service violations.

The top five U.S. vehicle out-of-service violation categories included brake systems, 4,041; tires, 3,172; defective service brakes, 2,236; cargo securement, 1,969; and lights, 1,811.

The top five U.S. driver out-of-service violations were for hours of service, 1,976; false logs, 1,374; other, 476; canceled/revoked license, 414; and no medical card, 241.

Inspectors conducted inspections of commercial motor vehicles and drivers following the CVSA North American Standard Inspection Procedures, along with the CVSA North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations in the U.S., the National Safety Code in Canada, and the Official Mexican Standards in Mexico.

In the U.S., inspectors conducted 53,847 Levels I, II and III Inspections:

  • The vehicle out-of-service rate was 19.3%, and the driver out-of-service rate was 5.8%.
  • There were 15,932 vehicle, 5,020 driver and 205 hazardous materials out-of-service violations.
  • The top vehicle out-of-service violation was for brake systems, the top driver out-of-service violation was hours of service, and the top hazardous materials out-of-service violation was for loading.
  • There were 2,798 cargo securement violations.
  • ABS violations were discovered on 1,264 power units, 2,428 trailers and four buses.
  • Inspectors issued 931 safety belt violations.
  • Inspectors placed CVSA decals on 12,284 power units, 4,681 trailers and 305 motorcoaches/buses, for a total of 17,270 decals.