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Diesel’s national average price ticked up 1.8 cents to $3.567, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration data released March 24.

The increase comes after three consecutive declines totaling 14.8 cents.

A gallon of trucking’s main fuel now costs 46.7 cents less than it did at this time a year ago.

PADD Districts

EIA PADD chart

(PADD — Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts. U.S. Energy Information Administration)

Regional Trends

Diesel’s average price rose in four of the five PADD districts, with a decline of four-tenths of a cent in the East Coast being the exception. The largest increase was 3.9 cents in the Rocky Mountain area. The West Coast less California also showed a gain of 3.9 cents.

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U.S. On-Highway Diesel Fuel Prices

EIA regional fuel chart

U.S. Energy Information Administration

Gasoline Update

The national average price for a gallon of gasoline climbed 5.7 cents to $3.115. That’s 40.8 cents less than it cost at this time in 2024.

What We Pay for in a Gallon of …

EIA gas chart

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