A trucker’s dash cam captured an excruciatingly close call with a clueless car driver who made a U-turn in the worst possible spot.

The video was captured in Oklahoma on August 1, 2023, and shared by Reddit user

In the video, you can see that the dash cammer is doing 76 m.p.h. in the right lane. A silver SUV suddenly veers into a U-Turn using a turnaround for emergency vehicles and then drives into the right lane, right in front of the oncoming dash cammer. The dash cammer is fortunately paying attention and merges left to avoid the SUV, but you can bet this wasn’t good for their blood pressure.

Check out the dash cam clip below.

Well that was a close shave. Wasn’t it [oc]
by u/Wham-alama-ding-dong in IdiotsInCars


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