An interesting new video takes a look at how PepsiCo utilizes their all-electric Tesla Semis alongside diesel trucks in the company’s daily operations.

The video focuses on PepsiCo’s Sacramento, California facility, providing details on how the beverage company is working to get the most out of their 21 Tesla Semis.

Most of Tesla Semis run about 12 hours per day making local or regional deliveries in Northern California. However, three of the Tesla trucks are used in “long haul” runs of 250 to 400 miles.

The video also looks at PepsiCo’s two shift slip seat driver operations, which are used to get the most out of the vehicle charge while complying with federal Hours of Service driver requirements.

The video also features the Tesla Semi drivers talking about their experiences driving the trucks. They say that they get lots of looks and questions about the trucks from the public. Drivers also mentioned increased visibility and comfort when driving the Tesla trucks.

Check out the video below.


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