The first in a series of stations along a planned electric charging corridor is scheduled to open in April.

The charging station in Colton, California is considered the flagship site for Geenlane’s 280 mile electric CMV charging corridor along I-5 between Los Angeles and Los Vegas. The site was initially expected to be completed in late 2024, but now has a projected opening of April 2025. 

According to a Press Release, the CMV charging site will feature 40 charges capable of charging heavy, medium, and light duty electric commercial vehicles. The location will utilize solar panels and battery storage systems to manage the load and efficiency of the chargers. Both pull-through and bobtail charging stations will be available. 

“As heavy-duty transportation continues to electrify, we need to address fleet manager and driver pain points,” said Patrick Macdonald-King, CEO of Greenlane. “One of our visions has long been to provide the truck stop of the future.”

Greenlane has also released a suite of technology, including apps and a website, to help drivers and fleet managers to better plan and manage the charging and coordination of their electric CMVs.

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